How Often Should You Change Your Air Filter?

The ideal is to change your air filter every three months, however, there are certain factors to consider when determining when to change an old filter. Type of air filter, pets, location of your home, age of your system and equipment, and outdoor air quality are all important factors to consider when deciding how often to change your air filter. In general, most air filter manufacturers and HVAC companies recommend changing your air filter every 90 days or 3 months. This may change depending on the location of your home (e.g.

dry and dusty climates), if you have pets, and the age of your system and equipment. If you have pets in your home, you should consider changing the filter every 60 days or 2 months, and for households with multiple pets or people with allergies or respiratory conditions, we recommend changing the filter every 20 to 45 days. Usually, vacation homes or vacant homes that don't have much use can expect to change filters every 9-12 months. The general consensus is that the more you use your home, the more you need to change the air filter. The only way to ensure how often you need to change your air filter is to perform a visual inspection of the filter every month.

After a few months, you'll get an idea of how quickly it gets dirty. You'll need to reassess if you have a new pet or if the outdoor air quality has been poor. An HVAC filter will only last one to three months on average. Which means you need to keep track of the date you installed them.

If you wait too long to change the filter, indoor air quality will suffer. They also generate less air resistance, which can help the HVAC system work more effectively and reduce wear and tear on components, including the fan motor. If you use your HVAC system almost constantly, you'll need to change the filter every few weeks (especially if you use fiberglass filters). If you're a pet owner, you'll want to change your air filter every 2 months, especially when winter turns to spring and summer turns to fall. However, if you notice that the filter is gray or full of particles, it is certainly time to replace it.

According to experts, you should get a filter with a MERV score of 6 to 8 to get the best performance. You can hear it: Your HVAC technician is giving you lessons on how to make sure you change your air filter. When you begin to notice an increase in air particles or contaminants, the filter needs to be changed more frequently. To improve air quality, turn the thermostat fan switch from AUTO to ON. Your air filter, once new, white and clean, will turn dusty and gray as you begin to spend months on return. When the air filter is clean, you don't have to inhale particles and other different contaminants.

During allergy season, air filters can work overtime to remove allergens, dust, and other debris circulating through the heating and cooling system. It's a bad idea to use the HVAC system without an air cleaner because the system would not be able to remove particles and airborne contaminants from the interior airspace. Over time, the air filter accumulates dirt, dust, fur, and other contaminants that can be found in the house. If you have changed your air filters and continue to notice these problems, it is advisable to call a professional to help you solve the main problem. If you have poor outdoor air quality or pets indoors, you'll need to replace your air filter more often.

Mildred Felts
Mildred Felts

Award-winning pizza lover. General burrito trailblazer. Freelance twitteraholic. Friendly coffee scholar. Unapologetic reader.

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