What are the Consequences of Not Replacing Your Air Filter?

A dirty air filter can have serious consequences for your home and health. It reduces airflow to the HVAC system, making it work harder and use more energy, which costs you more money. It can also make it difficult to keep your home at the right temperature. Worse yet, if the air filter is clogged and can't trap contaminants like it used to, those things can go back to the air that everyone in your home breathes.

This can lead to immediate problems such as headaches, itchy eyes or throat, and dizziness. In the long-term, it could even cause respiratory disease, heart disease, or cancer. Getting the most value out of your home can be as easy as changing air filters. Homeowners who ignore filters in their heating and air conditioning systems risk increasing energy costs, damaging expensive equipment, and decreasing indoor air quality and personal health. Read on to learn what can happen if you don't change your air filters. A modern thermostat will record how often you change your air filter and remind you with an email or phone notification.

If not changed regularly, the air filter can become clogged with particles, leading to a variety of problems. As the system tries harder to get around clogged air filters, it can cause the entire system to overwork and eventually break down. This is especially useful if you're someone who has allergies, since the air filter will keep pollen from the air out of the cabin. Ultimately, these four main things will happen if you continue to leave a dirty air filter in your air conditioner: increased energy costs; damage to expensive equipment; decreased indoor air quality; and personal health risks. When you change your air conditioning filter every month during peak cooling season, you can save about 15% each month on utilities, as well as avoid repair problems due to airflow restrictions. Every time you change your air filter, immediately set reminders on your phone to check it (or change it, if needed) after 30 days, 45 days, 60 days, and 90 days.

Your HVAC technician can show you where the filter is located, how to access it, and what needs to be done to clean or replace it. Depending on the type of air filter you use, you will need to follow different programs to ensure that the filter is always working for optimal performance. If the air conditioner sits around the coils instead of pushing it through the ducts, then you are heating or cooling the same air over and over again. All the air in your home, along with airborne particles, travel through this single spot several times in a single day. It's important to remember that changing your air filter regularly is essential for keeping your HVAC system running efficiently and keeping your family healthy.

Make sure that you check your air filter every month and replace it when necessary.

Mildred Felts
Mildred Felts

Award-winning pizza lover. General burrito trailblazer. Freelance twitteraholic. Friendly coffee scholar. Unapologetic reader.

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